Mastercard has appointed Gabriel Swanepoel as the new Country Manager for Mastercard in South Africa. This serves as a promotion from his current role...
Bolt, a leading ride-hailing platform, has launched its new “Bolt Driver’s League” competition for new and existing drivers on the platform across Nigeria, Ghana,...
Google has announced plan to invest $1billion over 5 years to support Africa’s digital transformation. The investment focuses on enabling fast, affordable internet access...
To help provide easier access to daily essentials such as food, the leading ride-hailing platform in Africa, Bolt has launched its food delivery service...
As the rate of women entrepreneurs across Sub-Saharan Africa continues to rise, Visa is expanding its global She’s Next initiative to empower women entrepreneurs...
The UK government has announced the launch of Skills for Prosperity Nigeria (S4P-N), a two-year UKAid funded programme that aims to equip youth and vulnerable groups with...
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), which facilitated the procurement of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J), Janssen Pharmaceuticals’ vaccine, says the vaccine costs Nigeria $7.50...
Nigerian Consul General in South Africa Malik Abdul called on Nigerians there to exercise restraint, be cautious and avoid high-risk areas as much as...
Google has announced the names of 22 media innovators set to receive $2.1 million in funding through the second Google News Initiative (GNI) Innovation...