Following weeks of scaling through various rounds of an intensive sports-related quiz competition, Success Omonijo has emerged as the overall winner of the fifth...
Mr. Guy Murray-Bruce, Chairman, Steering Committee, The Nigeria Broadcasting Awards (TNBA), has declared that the awards, billed to hold in November, will make the...
Nigeria’s leading talk and grassroots entertainment radio brands, Nigeria Info, Cool FM, and Wazobia FM, have hit yet another broadcast milestone as they recently...
Following weeks of extensive debates on a broad selection of socio-economic and political issues of both national and global relevance, Esther Bewaji, a fourteen-year-old...
Nigerian on-air-personality, Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as Daddy Freeze, has announced his final exit from radio broadcasting after dedicating twenty-six years of professional service....
Nigeria’s leading talk station, 99.3 Nigeria Info, has announced the second edition of its Glass Ceiling Conference themed “Break the Boardroom: Nigerian Women Taking...
Nigeria Info, Nigeria’s leading radio station, has announced the commencement of its second edition of the “I Beg To Differ” Student Debate Tournament. The...