Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today released “The Bite from Inside: The Sophos Active Adversary Report,” an...
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday around the corner, we’re entering a high-risk period for cybersecurity. A recent Sophos report highlights that malicious emails...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, has released the results of Sophos X-Ops research on a new type of...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, today released “Pacific Rim,” a report detailing its defensive and counter-offensive operation over...
In the mood of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Christopher Budd, Director Sophos X-Ops, has compiled some tips for staying secure online. Below is a detailed...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, on Wednesday introduced nine new XGS Series desktop firewall appliances for midmarket and...
Mart Networks Group, a global value-added IT distributor, on Thursday convoked an international stakeholders conference for its partners and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) geared...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, today released a sector survey report, “The State of Ransomware in Healthcare 2024,”...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions that defeat cyberattacks, on Thursday released findings from its annual sector survey report, “The State of...
Sophos, a global leader of innovative security solutions for defeating cyberattacks, on Tuesday released its report, “Crimson Palace: New Tools, Tactics, Targets,” which details...