Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA), formerly called the Crypto Space Agency plans to launch a reality television series that will follow its efforts...
Federal government and Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA) a global space agency based in the United States of America, have signed a memorandum...
National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), says it has concluded plans to release high resolution satellite images, to relevant stakeholders. Dr Felix Ale,...
Chief Uche Nnaji, minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, has said that space, science, and technology is crucial to achieving the ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’...
President Muhammadu Buhari has approved recommendations of a committee to review “with dispatch,” 368 grazing sites, across 25 states in the country, “to determine...
Halilu Shaba, director-general, National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA), has said that Nigeria’s satellite expired 3 years ago but still functioning by ”grace”....
Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology on Tuesday reiterated the need to develop Geospatial technology for operational efficiency and good governance. Geospatial...