WhatsApp on Wednesday introduced an optional feature that makes it easier for people to post their WhatsApp Status to their Facebook Story automatically if they want to do so.
Meta, parent company to WhatsApp and Facebook, made the announcement in a statement released and made available to Nigeria CommunicationsWeek.
According to the statement, “Status is a popular way to share updates with friends and close contacts on WhatsApp. They disappear in 24 hours and may include photos, videos, GIFs, text, and more.
“A lot of WhatsApp users love the existing option to post their Status to their Facebook Story. We’ve also gotten feedback that people want this process to be easier, so they don’t have to manually post their WhatsApp Status each time.
“We’re excited to introduce an optional feature that makes it easier for people to post their WhatsApp Status to their Facebook Story automatically if they want to do so.
“As always, users are in control: Sharing is turned off by default; you have to opt in to use it, and can disable it at any time you want to (Learn more about sharing your Status HERE).
“WhatsApp Status is built with privacy top of mind. Like your personal chats and calls, Status is protected by end-to-end encryption so you can share privately and securely.
“Earlier this year, we also introduced a privacy audience selector for Status, so you can choose who gets to view your Status (Learn more about Status Privacy HERE).
“These updates have started rolling out to users globally and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.”