Bitget, the world’s leading social trading and copy trading platform, has always placed product innovation at the core of its focus.
As social media and messenger platforms become an integral part of people’s lives, be it professional or personal, there is no reason why crypto investment should not be incorporated.
Social trading allows people to interact and observe other traders, as well as follow or execute the strategies of more experienced peers. Social trading also maximises one’s own trading potential with a little help from someone more experienced.
That said, a platform cannot realise social trading in its entirety until product innovation becomes the guiding principle of its design and development, and until it has many users to attest to the transformative power of social connection.
Founded in 2018, Bitget, the world’s leading social trading and copy trading platform, provides services to more than 2 million users in 50 countries worldwide.
The average daily trading volume of Bitget has reached $7 billion, consequently ranking the platform fifth globally.
At present, Bitget has developed into one of the largest social tradings and copy trading platforms in the world.
Listed by CoinMarketCap as the leading crypto derivatives trading platform, Bitget is valued at more than $3 billion.
Product innovation is a guiding principle at Bitget, proven most meaningfully through its flagship product, One-Click Copy Trade.
Since its launch in May 2020, One-Click Copy Trade has broken the mould of trading patterns in the crypto market, bridging the gap between traders from all corners of the world, in addition to elite traders and their fans.
Thus, a social trading pattern has been forged into Bitget’s core, where followers and traders can interact without boundaries and carve their own interconnected path to financial freedom.
To date, Bitget’s One-Click Copy Trade has amassed over 27,000 professional traders, with approximately one million followers. Moreover, copy-traders on the platform have earned over $1 billion in total income, while followers have collectively made over $1.56 billion.
Adhering closely to the concept of social trading, Bitget will work towards an open strategy platform in 2022. The first step is to launch grid trading, a type of quantitative trading strategy designed to maximise returns in a range-bound market.
A user simply sets a price range for the automated trading bot, adjusts how many grids they want, and, as long as the price stays within one’s set range and depending on the setup, the bot will sell a portion when the price goes up or buy a portion when it goes incrementally down.
Commenting on the latest development of social trading, Managing Director of Bitget, Gracy Chen said, “From social media to social messenger to social trading, crypto is finally connecting to the social.
“The model taps into our innate need for connection, whether that means sharing, celebrating, or even commiserating in the company of others while we trade.
“Here at Bitget, our flagship offering, One-Click Copy Trade, is nothing short of a pioneer in social trading. Moreover, copy trading and grid trading light a path to the full potential of social trading, enabling users, KOLs, and professional traders to exchange information freely, adopt multiple trading patterns and optimise strategies for their own benefit, and in the long run, further strengthening the foundation of the Bitget ecosystem.”
Chen continued to add, “Looking ahead, Bitget’s open strategy platform will launch more products that fit the model of social trading in due course. We look forward to our users experiencing the fun and transformative potential of social trading on Bitget.”